There Can Be Only One Universe

This will be a multiverse rant.

First, a word from the Critical Drinker.

This "crowd" I've been watching lately is the fabled reasonable common sense variety. They examine media using facts and evidence. Clearly they feel passionate about games and movies but emotion is not all they have. I'm tired of the switch your brain off... just have fun types. Critical thinking is something I value.

This is the community I've been seeking for a long time. Many of them often claim they're not conservative... implying libertarianism, which I lean toward somewhat but without the obsessive promotion of recreational drugs. They seem pretty conservative to me.

I don't care how you feel. Reality is what it is and doesn't change to accommodate you. Everyone's personal perceptions and beliefs are not always valuable or accurate.

There is truth. The truth is reality.

An inaccurate view of reality is in some part falsehood.

This is my theory of reality. There is no predetermined fate. We make our own destiny. Everyone contributes to making reality. It is what it is and your perceptions of it are either right or wrong. 

The premise of multiverses is that every choice causes a timeline split, so there is a different continuity for every single choice made by every single person at every point in time. This is abundantly absurd.

There's a totally different universe for every action? So if I move a pen on my desk, that causes a timeline split. If I leave it there that's another universe. If I move it to a different place or do so a few seconds later that's more separate universes. Then there are the innumerable actions done by others across the world and the interactions between them all. The number of separate universes would be absolutely incalculable.

Not infinite.

The possibilities are not unlimited. They are limited just by the requirement for internal consistency. For instance, there is no universe where Genghis Khan was born in his proper era and had the same life, except he randomly popped into my home simply to move my pen. Things still have to make sense within their own context.

It's all too much to manage anyway. God's mind is capable of comprehending all that, being omniscient. He understands how everything could go, every permutation extrapolated to the very limit. I'm saying I think he chose not to.

We have free will. If there was just another universe split off from every decision we made, no matter how insignificant or crucial, none of our choices would matter.

Choices do matter. We have to commit to our actions and accept the consequences. It's pretty narcissistic to think there are a countless number of universes based solely on you. You are responsible for your actions. There is no other version of us that did better. 

That's why it's a universe.

There can be only one.

In case it's not clear, I mean no multiverses in reality. In fiction is is a fine but currently overused trope.

Currently Playing: 7 Days to Die, TMNT Shredder's Revenge
Currently Watching: Farscape, Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys


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