
Showing posts from August, 2024

7 More Days to Survive Dying

Enemy Down? How do you know when a zombie is down for good?  Look for the XP popup in the bottom right. During quests, zombies related to the mission appear as red dots on your compass. If they go down, check the compass to see if they're out. It's rarely a bad idea to double tap... just to be sure. Ankle Biters There are a few enemies that will hurt you and you won't be able to see them immediately because they're gnawing at your shins: Dogs, Snakes, and Spider Zombies. Make it a habit to use the "armadillo defense" and jump away when you get hit. Ideally try to get on top of something, then look around the floor for the sucker. Were you raised in a barn? Shut the doors! When backing up from zombies shut doors in their faces. This gives you a few seconds to heal or reload. After a few seconds they should knock holes in the door you can shoot through. ๐… Don't Stop... Readin'๐…  Even when you max out your skills or learn all the perks, read the magazines

7 Days to Survive Dying

This game has come a log way since the version I called "Die Every 7 Minutes" Here are some of my tips: 1) Drop Nothing Before starting the game, in the Advanced options, set Drop on Death to Nothing , unless for some reason you like doing corpse runs. Personally my time is too valuable to waste on that sort of thing. What? Miraculously coming back to life is fine, but not losing your stuff if so immersion breaking? Come on, bro. 2) Do Quests Trader Rekt is insufferably douchey, I know, but this is the best way to get better gear. Eventually he'll send you on to the next trader (Jen) and you won't have to deal with his cranky A anymore. Plus she's nice on the eyes. Fetch - Retrieve a bag from a location and return. Clear - Kill all the zombies within a location and return. Fetch/Clear - Both of the above. Infested Clear - Same as above but more zombies and significantly better loot. Turn On Power - Night only for some reason, and only between 22:00 and 1:00. That

There Can Be Only One Universe

This will be a multiverse rant. First, a word from the Critical Drinker. This "crowd" I've been watching lately is the fabled reasonable common sense variety. They examine media using facts and evidence. Clearly they feel passionate about games and movies but emotion is not all they have. I'm tired of the switch your brain off... just have fun types. Critical thinking is something I value. This is the community I've been seeking for a long time. Many of them often claim they're not conservative... implying libertarianism, which I lean toward somewhat but without the obsessive promotion of recreational drugs. They seem pretty conservative to me. I don't care how you feel. Reality is what it is and doesn't change to accommodate you. Everyone's personal perceptions and beliefs are not always valuable or accurate. There is truth. The truth is reality. An inaccurate view of reality is in some part falsehood. This is my theory of reality. There is no