Looking Forward To
You know, it helps your mental well being to have things you look forward to. Fact. I could go get a Switch right now, but I'm putting it off so I have something big to look forward to. What games will I get when I do? Mario Odyssey of course. I see no particular reason to get Skyrim again, but may see a compelling reason in the future. I'm also satisfied with the WiiU version of Breath of the Wild. Maybe that's why I'm putting it off... I need more titles for incentive. I may get Bloodstained: RotN on the Switch so I can support Iga and Nintendo in one gesture. Really must pledge to that. Other games may include Kingdom Come Deliverance. I will need to see more game play before I decide on this one. I've heard it doesn't have a favorable save system, one that allows you to lose hours of work potentially, and the very prospect of that annoys me. I demand save anywhere... my time will not be wasted. I am currently playing Watch Ducks 2, having purchased th...