What I've Been Up to So Far in 2017.
Random : Noticed an ad on the sidebar just now... a picture of someone's nasty fingernails... reminded me of the extra on one of Weird Al's CDs (way back, like when I was in college). If you put the CD in a computer you could watch a funny sketch of Al and his family. Anyhoo... in that an oldmun asks Al "Does this look infected to you?" and shows him a fingernail. Life : In January my fathers home burned to the ground. My father has to this day not been located. However, my brother was found in the burned house. I don't know how to describe it, but we'll go with "Horrendous, catastrophic tragedy". We still do not know exactly what transpired. My brother was cremated and we had our Viking sendoff. He is super-super-missed. Many people have been very supportive and kind. I am attending grief counseling. It has helped, and there are good things to look forward to. Gaming : Since my brother and I had so much in common, particularly gaming-wise, ...