Rethinking Axpack - Fluctuating Temperatures
Since this post (and this and that as well) I've been playing the pack and have been coming around to some decisions about what I want in it. I stand by everything in Mod Commentary Part 1 . Mods I'm Warming Up To Minecraft Comes Alive - I've tried it before and enjoyed it for the most part. Definitely gives you more attachment for villagers when they have a name and a unique appearance (and gender) and you can form bonds with them through presents, conversation, marriage, and childbirth. I prefer one mod to rule them all in this regard, and would rather not have other mods villagers reminding me of the default Testificates existence. Roguelike Dungeons - I know what I said, but dungeons are hard to find normally. Plus, most of the dungeons in recent versions have been not so ugly to look at. I moved into one. As for what lurks below, you can ignore or explore at your whim. I find them great places to just take over. Apple Milk Tea - Since getting into blood magic...