
Showing posts from March, 2015

Like to Help You Out... Can't!

Last week I was approached by a homeless person. He asked for help... you know... like they do. We recently received our tax refund, so I was feeling pretty blessed and wanted to pass some along. I decided I would help him out to the tune of $20. I drove him to the local thrift shop and let him pick a few articles, then drove him back to the parking lot of my workplace (where I knew I was visible to cameras). The experience changed the way I think about helping homeless people. This person was initially friendly, but as our association dragged on, he quickly grated on my nerves. He was clearly of the pushy victim persuasion. I tried to be cordial as I bid him farewell, but my compassion was spent... I feel certain that my irritation was evident. I have a tendency to leak my true feelings through my facial expressions. He had the nerve to ask for a cigarette. Then he asked me to give him some of my snacks "for his kids". That's when I halted all conversation. When he g...

Enemy in the Party

Just noticed a poll on Facebook in the Pathfinder group. "can an evil character work in a good party doing a good quest?" Yes/No The response was overwhelmingly Yes. Of course, on Facebook I've noticed that people are overwhelmingly moronic. I will now explain why this is bullcrap. The OP is asking if an evil aligned character can cooperate with a group of good aligned characters to accomplish a quest that is beneficial to others. I would say that situation is highly unlikely unless everyone in the party is roleplaying poorly. The evil character would be uninterested in doing something that benefits others, unless they saw some benefit for themself.... proverbially "doing it for the money". However, why would a "good party" suffer the presence of this selfish degenerate in their ranks? They can't realistically count on him to help the party. They know he's in it for his self interest. However, let's face it... it's not the PC that...