
Showing posts from 2011

Stream of...ZZZZZZ

Right, so the exactly 0 people who read this have figured out by now that blogging really isn't my thing, y'know? Nonetheless, this is my obligatory (?) check in. I'm not using that barrel for even gardening. Unless there's some way to for certain get the toxins out of the plastic, it can serve as an outdoor table or sawhorse. I could fill the bottom with sand and use it as a boost to get on top of the house I suppose. More effective than parkour alone. We have a freakin' leak in the roof, you see. Apparently tarring and laying down aluminum flashing wasn't enough to fix it, so periodically we get a drip in the computer room of rusty brown water. Oddly, I used the ppm meter we got with our Zerowater pitcher on it and it's more pure than our tap water. Not encouraging. We got this pitcher to filter out the fluoride. According to our research it screws up the thyroid and a bunch of other bad stuff. Since my wife is already has hypothyroidism, we ill need o...